Emburse Chrome River places an invaluable commodity back in the hands of clients: time. A user-friendly interface automates the entire invoicing process, saving time and increasing accuracy. Revolutionizing the invoicing process, Chrome River also streamlines the procurement process and assists with expenses, analytics, and monitoring.

TechValidate, a third-party research service, conducted a study of CSG International back in December 2020. Ultimately, CSG International found that the finance team saved up to 40 hours per month and enjoyed a return on investment within 12 months with countless benefits.

Simplified expense management, streamlined company credit card reconciliation, easy-to-access travel data, and full, flexible integration barely scratch the surface of how Chrome River has helped CSG International.

“Emburse Chrome River provides all the global, enterprise feature functionality CSG needed from an expense management platform at a very competitive price point. Utilizing Chrome River allowed us to expand upon processes, extend service to more employees, and generally improve the expense management experience in areas where we were limited by our previous vendor.”

Why CSG International chose Chrome River

Properly accounting for and managing expenses is the key to successful company operations. CSG International, a telecommunications services company, sought to find the best solution for its global expense management needs.

Before switching to Chrome River, the team at CSG International used a combination of Concur and another ERP solution to manage expenses. However, outdated, legacy processes led to numerous bottlenecks and roadblocks. They needed a better, more modern expense management solution.

CSG International evaluated Concur, Expensify, and their former ERP solution in their search for a new solution they could use to standardize expense management processes globally. In their own words, they switched over to Chrome River to:

  • Automate expense management
  • Enforce expense policy compliance
  • Improve reconciliation processes for corporate credit cards
  • Enjoy better end-user accessibility

Custom integrations, flexible onboarding, and transparent pricing also helped with their decision.

Conquering expense-related challenges

The TechValidate survey indicated that CSG International uses Chrome River to streamline numerous expense management processes within the company. Specifically, they use the software to reimburse traveling and non-traveling employees for various expenses and to better view spend analytics. 

Chrome River provides CSG International with a fast, fluid mobile interface across all employee devices. The easy-to-use interface lets users submit expenses and easily receive approvals. In addition, spend analytics reports allow key team members to view important operational metrics in real-time, leading to more data-driven, cost-saving business decisions.

Best-in-class expense management

One of the biggest selling points for the CSG International expense team was Chrome River’s flexible customizations, which allowed them to efficiently onboard their existing framework.

CSG International rates Chrome River as the best-in-class expense management solution for various features, including:

  • Configuring approval workflows
  • Built-in business rules engine
  • Credit card reconciliation
  • Integration with existing vendors
  • Ease of use
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Support and training
  • OCR
  • System reliability

Chrome River helped their finance team maintain an efficient, fraud-free, compliant work environment. In less than a year, decision makers knew they were saving time and money with a best-in-class expense management solution.

Extremely valuable solutions to everyday problems

Aside from rating numerous Chrome River features as best-in-class, CSG International also provided feedback about specific survey statements the company most strongly agreed with. Chrome River’s accessibility, customer support, and training both during and after the onboarding phase were important factors in the decision-making process. 

Additionally, CSG International’s finance team “very strongly agreed” with the following statements about Chrome River:

  • Gives us greater visibility into our business processes
  • Gives us more visibility into our business to better manage our cash flow
  • Extends our accounting software and ERP capabilities to regulate expense policies
  • Improved our ability to reimburse faster
  • Helps us to prevent fraud
  • Helped us increase employee satisfaction

Measurable ROI with Chrome River

CSG International estimates that Chrome River’s integrations, optimizations, and streamlined workflows save their internal finance team between 20–40 hours each month, or about 5–10 hours per week. They also reported a measurable return on investment within 6–12 months.

On an everyday basis, Chrome River lightened workloads and reduced the stress associated with expense and invoice management, from submissions to approvals. The software’s easy-to-learn, easy-to-use onboarding process walked employees through every step of expense and invoice workflows. This level of accessibility greatly mitigated input errors and potential fraud.

In their own words, since implementing Chrome River, CSG International has been able to:

  • Save finance teams time so they can focus on more meaningful and strategic work.
  • Increase productivity by automating mundane, manual tasks.
  • Improve employee satisfaction and work-life balance.
  • Reduce stress associated with expense and/or invoice management.
  • Mitigate risk from fraud.

In addition, various features of the Chrome River platform allowed them to optimize all expense-related business processes—the first step to sounder financial decision-making. CSG International has been “extremely satisfied” with the following results:

  • Reduce errors caused by manual data entry.
  • Provide better oversights into costs and expenses.
  • Ensure policy compliance.
  • Reimburse expenses faster.
  • Make corporate card reconciliation easier.
  • Increase employee satisfaction.

Thanks to smart automations and integrations, CSG International enjoyed far simpler workflows as well as better insights into costs and expenses. Knowing that employees were easily staying compliant with expense policies also helped key team members sleep better at night. Faster corporate card reconciliation and expense reimbursement raised overall employee satisfaction.

Is it time to change your solution?

CSG International isn’t the only enterprise company that has happily made the switch to Emburse Chrome River. Emburse is a global leader in expense management and AP automation solutions. We’ve helped over 14,000 companies streamline financial decision-making across 120 countries.

With flexible integrations and customizations, a high degree of visibility in an easy-to-use dashboard, automated compliance checks, and multi-device accessibility, CSG International never looked back after making the switch to Chrome River.

If you want to find out whether Chrome River is right for your company, talk to us today or request a personalized demo now!


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle