States and municipalities often use tax incentives to attract different industries, and capturing these incentives plays an important role in cost control. But many organizations risk missing out on these tax credits due to poor internal communication. Using expense management software can help your organization comply with tax regulations and collaborate to secure tax credits.

According to a recent article on, the details of these incentives aren’t always getting through from an organization’s tax department to its C-level decision makers. In a new Ernst & Young survey of tax and finance executives at Fortune 1,000 companies, 20 percent of respondents described their C-suites as unaware of potentially important tax incentives, and 36 percent reported only marginal awareness.

When it comes to business incentives offered by cities, for example, these conversations may take place primarily at the local level and not draw the attention of a company’s top brass. To effectively secure these incentives (as well as broader state and federal credits) requires collaboration between tax departments and business strategists throughout an organization, explains.

A cost-control software suite can support this compliance and collaboration. Chrome River, for example, uses the latest cloud-based technology to combine expense reporting with invoice management, auditing and analytics tools. That means all of your organization’s non-payroll expense spending can be managed in one place and optimized to ensure you get the most from local, state and federal tax incentives. The result is increased ease of use, configurability, and value, which can improve communication and collaboration within your organization.

We’d like to hear from you. Do you agree that a significant number of C-suite executives are unaware of valuable tax and business incentives that could help control costs? Please share your thoughts below in the comments section!


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