Finance departments already routinely use online platforms to collaborate and communicate with users. Now, new mobile apps are proving useful for employees who work on the go, an article on reports. Whether your organization needs online expense report software, document access or just a quick way to look up data, a mobile app may offer the most convenient connection to your accounting department.

Here are three ways mobile apps can benefit your organization.

  1. Improved response times. If your organization needs faster turnaround on compliance questions, for example, a mobile app can allow an accounting department to access complex data and quickly respond while on the move. One accounting firm found that a new mobile app improved its response time during the busy tax season, according to
  2. Online expense reporting. Employees who travel for work can now use mobile web apps for expenses. Logging expenses as they arise, instead of waiting until the end of a business trip, offers a more accurate, efficient and user-friendly means of tracking business expenses. Chrome River makes it easy for employees to enter expenses from an iPhone or iPad and allows managers to quickly approve expenses and vendor invoices while on the road.
  3. Mobile document access. When it comes to exchanging financial reports, documents and large data sets, the challenge is to find a solution that’s both convenient and secure. Sending such files as email attachments may present the wrong message about how your organization manages sensitive financial data. One firm profiled in the article offered its customers easy access to files through a branded mobile app. The app gives the firm a tech-savvy edge when approaching potential clients, especially young entrepreneurs.

In the end, mobile apps offer advantages to a variety of organizations, especially in situations where fast document access and response times are critical. Mobile expense management software makes it easy for business travelers to stay up to date.

We’d like to hear about your experiences! Is your organization using mobile apps to streamline communication and collaboration? Have you found it to be helpful?


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