Over the past 10+ years, one of the ways that Chrome River has built a strong, collaborative, and loyal customer community is through our CASCADE conferences. These have grown from just a handful at the first event, to more than 500 attendees last year. 

However, we realize that even that number represents a fairly small percentage of our 1,000+ customers around the world, and there are thousands of others who would like to attend CASCADE but are unable to do so.

With that in mind, we wanted to give the opportunity for our customers throughout the U.S. and Europe to get the benefits of attending CASCADE without having to travel to Los Angeles. And so, we’re delighted to launch the CASCADE City Series, presented by Emburse

The 2020 CASCADE City Series will take in six U.S. cities as well as London. Each full-day event will include wide-ranging educational sessions about Chrome River and its solutions, including interactive best practice training and current trends in the world of T&E. It will connect our community of customers as we share product roadmap updates, provide details on new partnerships, discuss relevant industry topics, and highlight success stories. 

Customers who attend these free events will also have the opportunity to speak with Chrome River and Emburse executives, as well as our product and customer success teams. The day will also offer several networking opportunities, so customers can share tips for getting the best from expense management and invoice automation. 

Please click here to get more details on CASCADE City Series, learn more about the agenda, or register for a session near you.


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