The quality of your expense reporting speaks to the type of worker you are.  Do evaluations reflect frugal or flighty spending, careful or careless tracking, a dinged or distinguished history? Too many tallies in the wrong category can echo negative opinions about professionalism and work ethic. When it’s read in black and white, what do expense reports say about you?

Frugal vs. Flighty
When employees spend company money like they’re in a game of monopoly, it shows in the expense report.  Being aware of how cost looks on paper might earn you extra personality points.

  • Don’t spend on the company dime what you wouldn’t spend on your own. 
  • Be sure that your spends make sense. Avoid strikes against your spending style by following the company protocol and documenting all financial activity.
  • Be on the lookout for the best deal. Smart business expense spending illustrates respect and consideration for the company. 

Careful vs. Careless
Thorough and timely expense reporting is sure to achieve positive attention from the financial processors.  The fewer holes in your report, the less guesswork left for them to make sense of. 

  • Organization is the key to a carefully crafted company expense recap.  Make it easier on everyone by tracking travel from the start.  Ask for and save receipts, log miles and track time as you go. 
  • Don’t dump the detective work on someone else’s plate.  Track down the missing details before turning in the report.
  • Submit reports in a timely manner.  Too much time between travel and tracking might make the specifics hard to recall.  Create the report while the trip is fresh in your head and dodge the detective work altogether. 

Dinged vs. Distinguished
Expense reporting histories tell a story.  Have you been dinged for duplicity or distinguished for diligence?  A negative track record is like wearing a scarlet letter.  If you don’t look good on paper, odds are you aren’t being perceived well in presence.

  • Don’t continue making the same mistakes.  Let’s face it, oversights can occur no matter how careful your process.  Learning from mishaps and making progress will prove that you’re drive is worthy of recognition. 
  • Accept constructive criticism.  It’s a progressive way to excel on the next report and it shows that you’re willing to learn.

Consistency and conscientious recapping will make certain that expense reports display the positive attributes of your work.  Be frugal with the company funds, track activity carefully and start building a notable reputation with the report reviewers by minding these expense reporting do’s and don’ts.


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