Some business travelers may be so used to hitting the road that they do so without even thinking. But that’s where you can get into trouble, perhaps forgetting one of the foremost business trip survival tips that can always make your trip go much more smoothly. 


If your passport is lost or stolen while abroad, getting home could be a major hassle. Unless, of course, you took the proper steps to protect it. Make sure you have at least two color copies of your passport before you leave. Keep one copy at home with your other important documents. Take the other copy with you, keeping it separate from the original. When you’re out on the town overseas, secure your original passport in the hotel safe and take the copy with you for identification. 


Your passport is important for your trip, but so is your peace of mind. Scheduling back-to-back meetings, seminars and networking events is apt to leave you burnt out in a jiffy. Make sure to carve out some personal time just for you, with the option of spending it reading by the pool, walking through downtown or flopping on the hotel bed watching TV. 


Review the contact information you have on file with your employer and any other sources that may need to get in touch over the course of your trip. Too many times contact information is left outdated, rendering it useless in case of emergency. 


Frequent business travelers say the best way to ensure you save time and avoid leaving anything behind is to leave most of your stuff in your suitcase. Hang up any clothing that may become wrinkled, but leave the rest neatly arranged in your luggage. Things will actually be much easier to find, and repack, when they’re all in a centralized location. 


Sure, a few selfies as you’re unwinding by the pool might be nice, but the photos that’ll help you the most are those of area features or landmarks so you can orient yourself at any given time. One frequent business traveler uses her phone to snap photos of her hotel room number, street signs and even the parking garage at the airport so she’ll remember where she parked her car. 


While the must-have kit may vary a bit from traveler to traveler, most business folks are likely to need their laptop, their smartphone and a great pair of shoes. All other goodies are optional and can include things like: 

  • Breath mints
  • Eye drops
  • Earplugs
  • Zipper baggies, small and large for a variety of uses
  • Small speakers for hotel room
  • Work documents to review on the flight
  • Business cards 

Keep a small bag packed with as many of the essentials as possible so they’re always ready to go when you are. 

While there are zillions of tips that apply to business travelers, these six may be the most essential for your safety, security, productivity and overall peace of mind. 

After your business trip, enjoy an even greater peace of mind with Chrome River expense management software.


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