Expense Analytics and Reporting

The Future of Finance: 5 Predictions For Digital Transformation in 2022 And Beyond

by Erin Mills

The Future of Finance: 5 Predictions For Digital Transformation in 2022 And Beyond

The world of finance is constantly growing and evolving, meaning that in order to succeed, organizations must always be on the ball and ready to meet changes head on. See the top five crucial predictions for the future of finance into 2022 and beyond.

The 5 Keys to Success for Modern CFOs

by Erin Mills

The 5 Keys to Success for Modern CFOs

Saying 2020 was a challenging year would be an understatement. Few companies were prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and its resounding effects on just about every industry. To weather the storm, company leadership had to switch directions and even pivot drastically to help their businesses thrive (and, in many cases, survive). Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) took up the reins in ways they’d never had to. Goals were constantly adjusted and cash flow reviewed regularly, as finance teams worked harder and smarter to survive the pandemic.

A Case Study: CSG International Saves 20–40 Hours Per Month After Switching Over

by Erin Mills

A Case Study: CSG International Saves 20–40 Hours Per Month After Switching Over

Emburse Chrome River places an invaluable commodity back in the hands of clients: time. A user-friendly interface automates the entire invoicing process, saving time and increasing accuracy. Revolutionizing the invoicing process, Chrome River also streamlines the procurement process and assists with expenses, analytics, and monitoring.

Getting the Most Out of Your Spend Data with Emburse Insight Advisor

by Ryan Plutnicki

Getting the Most Out of Your Spend Data with Emburse Insight Advisor

Emburse Insight Advisor delivers sophisticated custom report authoring and analytics capabilities, combined with a designated team of consultants that can help create powerful reports and provide expert advice into industry trends, KPIs, and benchmarks.

HBR Research: How to Use Data to Protect Your Corporate Travel Culture

by Tim Wheatcroft

HBR Research: How to Use Data to Protect Your Corporate Travel Culture

How can organizations protect their travel culture and insulate their budgets during times of economic uncertainly. Harvard Business Review analyzes industry data and talks to leading experts in the field to develop best practices that are a must-read for every finance or corporate travel leader.

Beyond Efficiency: How Spend Data Delivers the Biggest Benefits of Expense and Invoice Management

by Barbara Doane

Beyond Efficiency: How Spend Data Delivers the Biggest Benefits of Expense and Invoice Management

Manual expense reporting and invoice processing are huge efficiency killers for both business travelers and corporate finance teams. By automating these processes through the implementation of expense and invoice management technology, organizations can save tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. However, the financial benefits of eliminating inefficient use of employees’ time can often just be a fraction of the overall financial benefits. The big-ticket improvements come from the visibility that automation delivers.

There When You Need It: Leverage Business Intelligence Data with Scheduled Reports

by Raj Udeshi

There When You Need It: Leverage Business Intelligence Data with Scheduled Reports

Effective business analysis improves the decision-making process by allowing finance staff to track, process, and analyze data and - perhaps most importantly - transform it into actionable insights that drive strategy. Chrome River customers leverage our deep analytics capabilities so they can control spend by transforming expense spend data into insightful reports.

Do You Know the True Cost of Sales?

by Julie Roy

Do You Know the True Cost of Sales?

Companies know how much their employees spend on hotels, flights and meals. While this information may help the travel manager, it doesn't help finance or sales leaders to measure how T&E spend impacts revenue generation.

The Cost-Control Benefits of Analytics in Expense Management

by Tim Wheatcroft

The Cost-Control Benefits of Analytics in Expense Management

Expense report software solutions can create huge volumes of data on employees' business travel spend. How can organizations use this to make smarter decisions?

Capturing and Optimizing Your True Corporate Travel Program Spend Using Total Cost of Ownership

by Ted Stavropoulos

Capturing and Optimizing Your True Corporate Travel Program Spend Using Total Cost of Ownership

If your CFO or controller asked you to provide the organization’s total travel spend over the past year, how would you get that data? The obvious (and traditional) answer is to ask for reports from your travel agency, breaking down hotel, flight and rental car costs. That should give you a pretty accurate figure, right? Well – not really.

New Gartner Market Guide: Key Criteria for Travel Expense Management Solutions

by Tim Wheatcroft

New Gartner Market Guide: Key Criteria for Travel Expense Management Solutions

Gartner has just released its 2017 Market Guide for Travel Expense Management (TEM) Software. The guide is essential reading for any organization that’s thinking of investing in an expense management solution in the coming year, or is considering upgrading its existing solution.

Expense Analytics as a Cost Management Tool

by Mandy Neske

Expense Analytics as a Cost Management Tool

Even though we seem to have only recently recovered from the last recession, it looks as though another downturn could be lurking on the horizon. As a result, savvy CFOs and their FP&A teams are keeping a closer-than-usual eye on corporate and personal expenses, in order to conserve funds.

Top Trends and Concerns of P2P Professionals

by Serge Merkin

Top Trends and Concerns of P2P Professionals

As organizations continue to implement technology designed to streamline their Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) processes, a number of trends and concerns keep surfacing. Both were discussed in a recent webinar hosted by PayStream’s Henry Ijams and featuring Greg Horton of OpenText.

3 IT Certainties for CFOs in 2015

3 IT Certainties for CFOs in 2015

Whether you’re a CFO or CEO, IT is likely a foundation of your business. And whether it’s for order management or expense management infrastructure or software, you’ll need a continued focus on IT in 2015. Here are 3 certainties in the IT landscape that you will need to address with your IT department.

6 Keys To Measuring Your Predictive Analytics Efforts

by Connie Moser

6 Keys To Measuring Your Predictive Analytics Efforts

With the convergence of Big Data, the Internet of Things and the quest for analytics from different departments, CIOs are being forced into the additional role of coordinating the various data experiments occurring at any given time in an organization.

Predictive Analytics: Is The ROI As Impressive As It Seems?

by Dave Terry

Predictive Analytics: Is The ROI As Impressive As It Seems?

Predictive analytics, or the sifting through of company data in order to highlight important patterns to make predictions and better decisions, is currently a hot topic in the business world. Advocates believe this approach holds great potential especially with a recent report from Nucleus Research suggesting that predictive analytics helped Mueller Inc.obtain a 248 percent ROI on new packaging equipment after investing in and using IBM's SPSS Modeler technology.

Dear CFO - Are You Getting Quality Data When You Need It?

by Brian Deleon

Dear CFO - Are You Getting Quality Data When You Need It?

Carrying out an impeccable job as CFO is crucial to the well-being of your company. As CFO, your main duties include managing risk and analyzing your company’s finances. Your analyses and recommendations guide the company, and inappropriate suggestions based on analysis of inaccurate or delayed data can be disastrous for your company, and could lead to taking on undue risk or making poor budgeting decisions. Timely and correct data are essential for your job, but you may need to take some steps to ensure that you get the data you need whether you are analyzing the numbers from within your division or from a different or remote department or partner company.

Big Data Visualization - Are You Visualizing Enough?

by Anne Becknell

Big Data Visualization - Are You Visualizing Enough?

Is visualization the key to proper use of big data? Bar charts, treemaps, scatter plots – these are all visualization tools that put data into perspective, but do they drive the point home for those looking to extract meaningful information? The answer is to create a multidimensional view of the data that is more intuitive. This approach is Interactive Visualization.

CFOs Down and Dirty: Using Data to Bridge Management and Operations

CFOs Down and Dirty: Using Data to Bridge Management and Operations

Traditionally, CFOs and their finance teams stayed narrowly in the arena of management. They strategically employed data-driven analytics to manage the business from the upper levels. As the ability to collect and analyze data has exponentially expanded, CFOs are increasingly in a position to aid their organizations in improving profitability and efficiency and more granular levels.

3 Facts Every CFO Should Know About Predictive Analytics

by Dave Terry

3 Facts Every CFO Should Know About Predictive Analytics

Analytics platforms are essential tools in today’s organizations. Business leaders rely on them to facilitate fast, effective decision-making, while operations managers use such tools to deliver smooth execution of day-to-day processes. But it’s a mistake to think of analytics software as some kind of magic bullet.

3 Obstacles to ‘Big Data’ Success

by Serge Merkin

3 Obstacles to ‘Big Data’ Success

For the last five years, IBM has issued reports on the changing roles of analytics and “big data” in business. In its latest report, “Analytics: A Blueprint for Value,” IBM surveyed 1,000 executives in IT and business from 70 countries. According to online industry magazine CMSWire.com, this latest research shows that while “big data” and analytics can drive new revenue and customers, most organizations are dragging their feet.

Is Lack Of Data Slowing Your Decision-Making?

by Frank Davis

Is Lack Of Data Slowing Your Decision-Making?

The hype surrounding “big data” can give the impression that good analytics software is all an organization needs to improve the quality and speed of its decision-making. Yet, even when organizations rely on data in creating or implementing business strategies, the important decisions are still often made by people.

Analytics Isn’t Just About the Data

by Laura Brady

Analytics Isn’t Just About the Data

To generate better business decisions, you need more and better data, right? Not necessarily. According to SmartData Collective, a successful analytics program requires much more than “big data” — it also requires communication, shared priorities and a decision-making culture within the organization.

How Analytics Help CFOs Connect Strategy to Finance and Accounting

by Connie Moser

How Analytics Help CFOs Connect Strategy to Finance and Accounting

The CFO’s role is dramatically changing at many organizations, with duties going beyond the traditional tasks of overseeing the finance, accounts payable management, treasury and risk management functions. As organizations call upon CFOs to play larger roles in business strategy and organizational leadership, analytics tools will be vital for connecting strategy to finance and accounting, according to an article on CFO.com.

Analytics Are Not Hype: You Need Them To Be Successful

by Dave Terry

Analytics Are Not Hype: You Need Them To Be Successful

Consider the business books of yesteryear: Many of the titles will make you wince — if you remember them at all. In general, management gurus’ trendy concepts and buzzwords don’t age well, according to EPM Channel, a website focused on enterprise performance management news and insights. Even in accounts payable management, fads come and go. As more organizations jump on the “big data” bandwagon, are analytics initiatives just another example of management hype?

Facts Don’t Drive Technology Changes – Get Your CFO Involved

by Anne Becknell

Facts Don’t Drive Technology Changes – Get Your CFO Involved

Facts alone are seldom persuasive enough to drive changes in an organization, much to the frustration of those with superior technical know-how but limited political clout. At most organizations, having the ear and support of influential executives is also vital to implementing a new process or tool, like an automated expense report program.

5 Ways the CFO’s Role Is Evolving

by Jim Whitmore

5 Ways the CFO’s Role Is Evolving

The CFO’s role is evolving in many industries, but nowhere as radically as in industries that use cloud computing and related technologies. Instead of a narrow focus on financial duties, CFOs are using their proficiency with data analytics to provide leadership in driving sales and guiding business strategy, an article on CFO.com reports.

Drowning in Unstructured Data? Take Control with Expense Management Software

by Jim Whitmore

Drowning in Unstructured Data? Take Control with Expense Management Software

It’s one thing to have disorganized personal emails or vacation photos. For organizations, however, unstructured data presents a significant — and growing — problem. Using automated expense management software like Chrome River EXPENSE helps centralize expense data, and it can yield cost savings, greater transparency and valuable data assets.

4 Steps for Using Data to Improve Business Expense Reports

by Connie Moser

4 Steps for Using Data to Improve Business Expense Reports

In the past, IT departments tended to assume that businesspeople didn’t want to deal with data, but a recent article on Forbes.com reports that assumption has been upended. In today’s “big data” environment, business and finance professionals want to have better access to enterprise data, along with the tools to analyze it, create business expense reports, and put key findings into practice.

Turn Your Business Expense Reports into Strategic Tools

by Jim Whitmore

Turn Your Business Expense Reports into Strategic Tools

When it comes to real-time insights and comprehensive analyses, knowledge is power. But stockpiling data is one thing; it’s quite another to turn business expense reports and other information into valuable insights.

3 Ways to Drive Growth Using Expense Management Software and Analytics

by Connie Moser

3 Ways to Drive Growth Using Expense Management Software and Analytics

At many organizations today, CFOs strive to provide more frequent and accurate financial forecasts, while juggling increasingly complex economic and regulatory environments. An article on CFO.com explains that “big data” can help organizations manage complexity and drive growth by identifying strategic opportunities, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring compliance.

How Can Technology Help CFOs Make Better Sense of Data?

by Jim Whitmore

How Can Technology Help CFOs Make Better Sense of Data?

When you see someone making poor decisions—risky investments, unrealistic scheduling, foolish health choices—it’s tempting to assume they do not have all the facts. In the “big data” era, however, the facts alone aren’t enough to guarantee dispassionate, fully informed decision-making.

How to Unlock the Power of “Big Data” with Cloud-Based Analytics

by Jim Whitmore

How to Unlock the Power of “Big Data” with Cloud-Based Analytics

If your organization is like most, you already have “big data” — a seemingly bottomless pit of documents, spreadsheets, emails, web-traffic reports, social media interactions and more. When left unorganized, it’s not terribly valuable to you or to anyone else in your business. The key to creating valuable, actionable information lies in how you integrate, analyze and interpret that data.

How to Uncover Opportunities and Solutions Within Your ‘Big Data’

by Dave Terry

How to Uncover Opportunities and Solutions Within Your ‘Big Data’

Efficient marketing! Cost-effective client acquisition! “Big data” seems to promise improvements on every level. But while many organizations already amass copious amounts of data, it remains isolated in operational silos and disparate formats. The keys to uncovering opportunities and creative solutions within your company’s data are increasing transparency and making it easy for users to generate custom business expense reports.

Increased Spending Requires Analytics to View Trends and Analyze Expenses

by Connie Moser

Increased Spending Requires Analytics to View Trends and Analyze Expenses

As the economy continues to recover, many companies are now planning to hire additional employees and increase capital investments, according to an article on the CFO Magazine website. When a company has new initiatives on the horizon, it’s more important than ever for managers to track and monitor their employees’ business expense reports.

What Insights Can Expense Management Analytics Uncover For You?

by Jim Whitmore

What Insights Can Expense Management Analytics Uncover For You?

Whether in business, sports or warfare, we tend to admire leaders who make good decisions seemingly based on intuition and instincts. In today’s complex business world, however, gaining a competitive edge also requires calculated evaluation. Expense management analytics provide powerful tools that can help leaders make better decisions — decisions that combine quantitative and intuitive insights.

Why Numbers Don’t Tell the Whole Story In Analytics

by Connie Moser

Why Numbers Don’t Tell the Whole Story In Analytics

We’ve all heard the cliché “numbers don’t lie.” But numbers alone also tell few truths (unless you’re a mathematician). To make good decisions based on data, managers and executives need more than numbers. Analytics and accounting reporting software can help you create meaningful, actionable reports from raw data.

6 Tips for Unlocking Big Data With Expense Management Software

by Jim Whitmore

6 Tips for Unlocking Big Data With Expense Management Software

To reveal hidden trends and opportunities, companies can use analytics software to sift enormous amounts of data, looking for an edge. As businesses seek to benefit from “big data,” managers increasingly rely on analytics-based reports to guide their decision-making, according to a post on the Big Fat Finance Blog. A great way for your company to benefit from big-data analytics is by using expense management software.


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle

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