Managed Services

Emburse Solution Administrator 

Get on-going account management, consulting and priority case handling

Oversight & Configuration

A designated team of consulting experts who are familiar with your business requirements will:

  • provide ongoing consulting to optimize your configuration
  • drive new feature adoption to help you get the most out of your solution
  • administer your system through back-end configuration changes for your deployed user population
  • provide hands-on assistance with the client self-service administration screens.

Support Cases Prioritized

Priority Order Case Classification
1 Urgent cases submitted by Solution Administrator clients
2 Urgent cases submitted by other clients
3 Non_Urgent cases submitted by Solution Administrator clients
4 Non-Urgent cases submitted by other clients

Customer Success Management

Additional business reviews with your Customer Success Manager

Emburse Solution Administrator - Service Experience Guide  


Emburse Adopt

The Emburse Adopt service provides 2-3 months of expert guidance around change management, training, user adoption, and stabilization. Adopt consultants track analytics around product adoption, user feedback, escalations, and more to provide a snapshot of how customers are progressing week to week and month to month to ensure they’re getting the most out of their Emburse system. Customers generally meet with a consultant weekly for an hour and have flexibility around what they want to focus on in those meetings. Adopt provides a structured approach to reaching stabilization, but the plan can be customized to meet customer needs.

Emburse Adopt Datasheet 


Insight Advisor

A designated team of consulting experts who are knowledgeable in expense, pre approval, invoice, and purchase order reporting data and industry trends will assist customers in turning their Chrome River data into consumable information. This information can be tailored to client-specific needs and requirements.  Specifically, the Chrome River reporting team members can provide training on the report engine, conduct hands-on custom report authoring, setup security data access filtering, schedule reports, and establish report bursting.  These team members will also be available for periodic meetings to assist in interpreting the data and to help clients create KPI reports that can be used to reduce costs and become more efficient.

Emburse Insight Advisor - Service Experience Guide  


Emburse Auditor

The Emburse Auditor service is available for both Chrome River EXPENSE and Chrome River INVOICE. This offering includes online review of receipts, policy exceptions and vendor validation by a skilled team of auditors as part of the approval process within Chrome River. Note, English is the supported language for all audit comments.


Emburse Auditor - Service Experience Guide  

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