Expense Reports

ERT - Ensuring Even Easier Expensing

by Ted Power

ERT - Ensuring Even Easier Expensing

At the heart of every expense management solution is the ability to quickly and accurately extract and make sense of the data on paper and electronic receipts. With the launch of Emburse Receipt Transcription for Chrome River, we're using innovations from across Emburse to get to the next level in intelligent expense management.

Making the Best Mobile Expense Solution Even Better

by Barbara Doane

Making the Best Mobile Expense Solution Even Better

Chrome River has long been viewed as the most comprehensive, most user-friendly mobile solution for expense management. And now we've gone and made it even better!

Gartner Digital Markets Reviews Crown Chrome River the Leader in Expense Management

by Tim Wheatcroft

Gartner Digital Markets Reviews Crown Chrome River the Leader in Expense Management

Gartner Digital Markets uses real reviews from verified users to rate software products. So when its reports list us as the leading expense software solution, we're pretty happy. See for yourself where we stacked up against three of our key competitors.

Why is Your Company STILL Doing Manual Expense Reporting?

by Tim Wheatcroft

Why is Your Company STILL Doing Manual Expense Reporting?

We’re in 2019. Cars can drive themselves. You can order niche products on Amazon and have them delivered to your door the same day. You can tell your phone to play some obscure song from your youth that you’ve not even thought about in 30 years. So why are you making your employees do their expenses using tape and printed spreadsheets?

How Manual Expense Reporting is Killing Your Finance Team’s Efficiency

by Tim Wheatcroft

How Manual Expense Reporting is Killing Your Finance Team’s Efficiency

Manually attaching receipts to spreadsheets is a real drudge for business travellers. However, their frustrations pale in comparison to those of the finance team, who have to navigate cumbersome approval workflows, enforce confusing T&E policies, and spend hours manually entering data into their accounting system.

How I Did It: Speeding up Expense Reimbursement with Automated Policy Compliance

How I Did It: Speeding up Expense Reimbursement with Automated Policy Compliance

Idaho State University (ISU) is a public research university in Pocatello, Idaho. Founded in 1901 as the Academy of Idaho, ISU now has 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students and more than 2,000 faculty and staff. In this guest blog post, Lisa Leyshon, assistant controller at ISU, explains how the university let business flow by automating expense policy compliance and speeding up the approval process, getting reimbursements back in travellers’ accounts much more quickly.

How Can Expense Automation Benefit Your Organization?

by Tim Wheatcroft

How Can Expense Automation Benefit Your Organization?

New research shows that expense automation technology is firmly in the mainstream, and the majority of organisations that have made the switch have adopted dedicated cloud-based expense automation software. If your organisation hasn't yet made the leap, what are the main benefits that you are missing out on?

Playing by the Rules: Why Configurability is Key in Expense Management Choice

by Tim Wheatcroft

Playing by the Rules: Why Configurability is Key in Expense Management Choice

One of the biggest benefits that an expense management solution can deliver is automated enforcement of an organisation's expense policy and approval processes. However, not all expense solutions have the capability or flexibility to support the requirements of complex global organisations.

How I Did it: Best Practices for Implementing Business Rules

by Melody Ragan, Schiff Hardin

How I Did it: Best Practices for Implementing Business Rules

Schiff Hardin LLP is a national general practice law firm serving corporate clients, with more than 300 attorneys practicing out of six offices across the U.S. In this guest post, Melody Ragan, Controller/Financial Manager at Schiff Hardin discusses how the firm lets business flow by leveraging Chrome River’s business rules engine to streamline expense submission and approval.

Welcome to The River, SpotHero Customers!

by Tim Wheatcroft

Welcome to The River, SpotHero Customers!

Chrome River and SpotHero have teamed up offer an even easier way for business travellers to find, purchase, and expense parking spaces.

The Four Most Critical Reasons Why Native Apps Don’t Work for Expense Management

by Frank Davis

The Four Most Critical Reasons Why Native Apps Don’t Work for Expense Management

There are two approaches to deploying business apps to employees: native apps and web apps. For both approaches, the end-user experience is – at least at first glance – outwardly very similar. However, that’s where the similarity ends, and the inherent weaknesses of native apps soon become apparent.

How to Ensure Travel and Expense Policies and Processes Support Your Sales Organization

by Julie Roy

How to Ensure Travel and Expense Policies and Processes Support Your Sales Organization

The sales team is typically the division within an organization that has the greatest travel and entertainment expense budgets. They travel the most and spend the most on entertainment for prospects, suppliers or current customers. However, and perhaps most importantly, the sales team also is the greatest contributor to top-line revenue. How can companies ensure that best performers remain engaged and drive revenue, while effectively controlling costs?

Putting Expense Solutions’ Optical Character Recognition Capabilities Under the Microscope

by Jim Whitmore

Putting Expense Solutions’ Optical Character Recognition Capabilities Under the Microscope

Of all the innovations that have made receipt submission a painless part of expense management, the ability to capture receipt images on a mobile phone and upload them directly into the expense solution is one of the greatest. But how do different OCR offerings add up?

Why is Mobility the Foundation of Effective Expense Management in Construction?

by Stephen White

Why is Mobility the Foundation of Effective Expense Management in Construction?

The construction industry is more exposed to economic ebbs and flows than almost any other sector of the economy. As a result of this position, construction companies must ensure that they carefully maintain cash flow and cost control, even during boom periods. How can employee expense automation solutions help this?

The Cost-Control Benefits of Analytics in Expense Management

by Tim Wheatcroft

The Cost-Control Benefits of Analytics in Expense Management

Travel Expense Software solutions can create huge volumes of data on employees' business travel spend. How can organisations use this to make smarter decisions?

7 Steps to Expense Submission Nirvana - Making Life Easy for Your Business Travellers

by Frank Davis

7 Steps to Expense Submission Nirvana - Making Life Easy for Your Business Travellers

Expense management systems must provide several receipt submission formats, to match the different types of receipt format in use, as well as users’ own preferences. What types of receipt submission should your expense solution be able to support, to cater to the full spectrum of your organisation’s users and their travel profiles?

Chrome River FOLIO: Taking the Headache Out of Hotel Folios

by Nick Ludlow

Chrome River FOLIO: Taking the Headache Out of Hotel Folios

With countless different line items such as food, parking and high-speed internet, hotel folios can be a pain to enter into expense claims - especially when your expense management provider doesn't take info from a certain hotel chain. Chrome River FOLIO solves this challenge with a single click.

Higher Education Expense Claims: a Unique Challenge

by Robin Hanselman

Higher Education Expense Claims: a Unique Challenge

Unlike commercial organisations, whose expenses are funded by operating budgets, higher education institutions’ faculty and research members’ travel and expenses are often funded by grants and scholarships. These funding sources often have a variety of different requirements for how they can be used, and therefore require specific reporting regulations for expenses.

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Make Expense Management a Breeze in 2017

by Tim Wheatcroft

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Make Expense Management a Breeze in 2017

The worst thing about most New Year's resolutions is that they're so easy to break. To make your expense management easier in 2017, here's a list of things that you should not do, along some a couple of one-and-done fixes that will benefit you throughout the year.

Top 10 Perils of Using a Manual Expense Solution

Top 10 Perils of Using a Manual Expense Solution

Nearly half of all organisations are still stuck using manual expense claiming systems. If you continue to use paper-based processes instead of an expense automation solution, the risks could easily outweigh any perceived benefits.

How the Olympics Gets me Thinking About Expenses

by Tim Wheatcroft

How the Olympics Gets me Thinking About Expenses

Unless you live in a cave or have just woken up from a months-long coma, you’ll have noticed that the Olympics are in full swing. However, in addition to marvelling at the athletes' exploits (go Team GB!), seeing participants from more than 200 countries and territories competing made my mind spin in terms of the sheer logistics when it comes to the expenses that each team must incur, and how these will all get reimbursed into the currencies used across those nations once everyone returns next week

6 Key Expense Management Best Practices

by Tim Wheatcroft

6 Key Expense Management Best Practices

If you went to last week’s GBTA Conference, you probably came back with a fresh perspective, having seen the latest and greatest trends and innovations in the business travel industry. With these still fresh in your mind, now is a good time to revisit how travel and expense policies are managed at your own organisation.

Chrome River and Sabre: Making Integrated Travel and Expense Even Smoother

by Alan Rich

Chrome River and Sabre: Making Integrated Travel and Expense Even Smoother

As you may have noticed from today’s announcement made at the GBTA national conference, we are proud to become a Premier Provider of expense management for Sabre, one of the world’s biggest travel technology providers. This comes just a couple of weeks after we announced Sabre as the latest travel industry leader to adopt our expense management solution for its own 10,000 global employees.

Chrome River and Traxo Means Even Easier Hotel Expenses

by Alan Rich

Chrome River and Traxo Means Even Easier Hotel Expenses

As you may have seen from today’s press release, we’ve just announced an exciting new relationship with Traxo for hotel receipt integration. This will give Chrome River EXPENSE users an even better (and easier) experience when preparing their expense claims, and we’re sure it will be very well received by anyone who’s ever had to manually import or allocate hotel receipt data into their expense claim.

Take me to The River

by Julie Roy

Take me to The River

Today, we are excited to unveil a new corporate brand at Chrome River, one that reinforces our commitment to the long term success of our customers, our continuing global growth, and our firm belief that user experience is paramount.

4 Ways to Escape Expense Report Purgatory

by Tim Wheatcroft

4 Ways to Escape Expense Report Purgatory

Whether you’ve just finished a week-long trip, or if you’ve been stashing receipts all month, doing your expenses can become one of those monotonous tasks that ranks even below timesheets at the bottom of the to-do list. This means that they get put off, and off, and off, until you reach a point where a) you’re broke and need them to be reimbursed so you can put food on the table, b) your wallet is bulging more than your financial controller’s eyes will once they see how much you’re claiming for the past few months, or c) both of the above.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Global Expense Management Solution

by Craig Weiner

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Global Expense Management Solution

If you are a global organisation looking to upgrade your expense management solution, there is a dizzying array of offerings on the market. Many of the vendors you speak to will tell you that they offer a global solution. However, there’s being able to process the occasional foreign hotel and restaurant bill, and then there’s a true global solution that will work for thousands of end users across dozens of different countries, supporting complex workflows, tax requirements and regional standards.

Why is streamlined expense management automation so critical for law firms?

by Karen DeLucia

Why is streamlined expense management automation so critical for law firms?

Let’s face it, we pretty much all procrastinate when it comes to submitting expenses. For most people in the workforce, the biggest pitfall of late expense submission is that you don’t get paid on time, so you may have to cover a credit card bill out of pocket. A bit of a pain, but rarely more than that. However, the impact of this for law firms can be much more far reaching. A tardy submission often results in a write-off absorbed by the firm, since the client will not pay beyond a certain cut-off date. As profit margins at law firms tend to be narrow, losing profits due to poor or delayed expense claiming can be critical.

Seven tips for creating an expense policy that your employees will love (well, almost)

by Mandy Neske

Seven tips for creating an expense policy that your employees will love (well, almost)

We’d all love to fly first class and eat steak dinners on somebody else’s dime, but if everyone did that, many companies would run out of cash pretty quickly. Therefore, creating a sensible expense policy is a must for any organisation to both control costs and, as we recently said in our white paper, reduce business expense fraud. Without a clear policy, staff are left in the dark about what is and isn’t allowed, and will just assume how much they can spend. And we all know what “assume” does.

Small T&E Expenses that Can Make Huge Impact on Bottom Line

by Connie Moser

Small T&E Expenses that Can Make Huge Impact on Bottom Line

Travel and expense managers are likely to keep a keen eye on the big, fat expenses that come with every business trip. However, it’s often the smaller, less costly items that can really start to add up. Flights and hotels typically account for three-quarters of the overall cost of business trips. Ground transportation and auxiliary spending account for the other one-quarter of the costs, and they can be sneaky costs indeed.

Expense analytics as a cost management tool

by Mandy Neske

Expense analytics as a cost management tool

Even though we seem to have only recently recovered from the last recession, it looks as though another downturn could be lurking on the horizon. As a result, savvy CFOs and their FP&A teams are keeping a closer-than-usual eye on corporate and personal expenses, in order to conserve funds.

7 Questions Non-Profits Should Ask When Choosing a Travel and Expense Management Solution

by Ali Mast

7 Questions Non-Profits Should Ask When Choosing a Travel and Expense Management Solution

One of the most critical issues for any non-profit is maintaining a close eye on spend. One area where things can get out of hand if not managed carefully is employee (and non-employee) expenses – everything from operational items like paper for the office printer, to airline tickets and hotel stays.


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle