Invoice Management

Gartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation

by Tim Wheatcroft

Gartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation

The world of accounts payable continues to evolve, and the COVID pandemic is driving yet more change in the industry as organisations seek to virtualise their AP processes. Learn from experts at Gartner and Ardent Partners about benchmarks and best practices to consider.

When Cash (Control) is King: Is Your Accounts Payable Strategy Optimised for a COVID-19 World?

by Ryan Plutnicki

When Cash (Control) is King: Is Your Accounts Payable Strategy Optimised for a COVID-19 World?

The dramatic economic shift caused by COVID-19 has led to a sudden need for finance and AP teams to reassess vendor payment strategies, in order to optimise cash reserves. How can organisations ensure that they have the visibility needed to make these critical decisions?

Is Your Organisation Taking Fraud Seriously Enough?

by Barbara Doane

Is Your Organisation Taking Fraud Seriously Enough?

Organisations that rely on manual processes to verify and approve expenses and invoices could leave themselves open to become victims of fraud, and even the largest companies aren't immune. How can your organisation foster a fraud-prevention culture?

Beyond Efficiency: How Spend Data Delivers the Biggest Benefits of Expense and Invoice Management

by Barbara Doane

Beyond Efficiency: How Spend Data Delivers the Biggest Benefits of Expense and Invoice Management

Manual expense reporting and invoice processing are huge efficiency killers for both business travellers and corporate finance teams. By automating these processes through the implementation of expense and invoice management technology, organisations can save tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. However, the financial benefits of eliminating inefficient use of employees’ time can often just be a fraction of the overall financial benefits. The big-ticket improvements come from the visibility that automation delivers.

How I Did It: Reducing Administrative Time to Devote More Resources to Our Core Mission

How I Did It: Reducing Administrative Time to Devote More Resources to Our Core Mission

Northeast Treatment Centers is a Philadelphia-based non-profit which provides a continuum of trauma-informed behavioural health and social services designed to meet complex needs of all family members. In this guest blog post, NET’s Controller, Robert Ferrandino, and Accounts Payable Specialist, Teresamarie Morris, explain how Chrome River’s expense and invoice automation solutions let business flow by enabling the finance team to focus on high value activities.

Avoid Becoming the Next Victim of Invoice Fraud

by Barbara Doane

Avoid Becoming the Next Victim of Invoice Fraud

It was recently revealed that a sophisticated invoice fraud scheme extracted more than C$150 million from two of the world's largest companies. What steps can AP teams take to avoid their own organization falling victim to scams like these?

What You Need to Know About Invoice Automation OCR Technology

by Dan Humbert

What You Need to Know About Invoice Automation OCR Technology

Optical character recognition has gone mainstream for document management. But are all OCR solutions created equally? Actually, no. Learn what you need to know in order to maximise the benefit of your OCR investment for invoice automation.

ICYMI: Last Year’s 10 Most Popular Blogs

by Tim Wheatcroft

ICYMI: Last Year’s 10 Most Popular Blogs

Worried that you may have missed out on some of our blog posts? Fear not - we've compiled a list of the 10 most-read blog posts in 2018. See what your peers thought were the most pressing topics of the year.

Five Reasons Why Web Apps are Essential for Speedy Invoice Approvals

by Dan Humbert

Five Reasons Why Web Apps are Essential for Speedy Invoice Approvals

Rapid invoice approval is critical for effective cash flow and to maintain effective visibility into the accounts payable process. They kind of technology you use to access this data could play a major factor in your company's ability to deliver this insight.

Invoice Solutions that Finance Teams and Approvers Actually Love

by Dan Humbert

Invoice Solutions that Finance Teams and Approvers Actually Love

Today we’re delighted to unveil the newest edition of our invoice management software, Chrome River INVOICE. The latest version of Chrome River INVOICE will make it even easier for approvers and accounts payable teams to track and approve invoices, whether they are at their desk or away from the office.

How Can Invoice Workflow Automation Work for Your Organisation?

by Mandy Neske

How Can Invoice Workflow Automation Work for Your Organisation?

Interest in back-office technology continues to increase as a way to control costs and increase productivity. What are the latest trends in the industry, and what benefits could it bring to the way your AP team processes invoices?

Reducing Business Expenses Without Impacting Operations (or Morale)

by Tim Wheatcroft

Reducing Business Expenses Without Impacting Operations (or Morale)

We’re getting towards the end of the second quarter, which means that public companies will soon be doing their earnings calls and press releases. If you’ve ever read these, you’ll see that they’re full of jargon and code-words. One of these is “expense management,” which is often code for “cost-cutting,” which in turn often means “job cuts.”

What Could Manual AP Processes Be Costing Your Organisation?

by Dan Humbert

What Could Manual AP Processes Be Costing Your Organisation?

We recently ran a webinar in conjunction with Vendorin, which discussed some of the challenges faced by CFOs with their accounts payables processes. As part of the webinar, we asked some questions to gauge the current state of invoice automation, and some of the bigger issues currently impacting the function. The upshot of our findings is that, although technology plays a significantly greater role in AP than just a few years ago, there’s still plenty of opportunity to improve efficiency.


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle