SaaS and Cloud for AP

Gartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation

by Tim Wheatcroft

Gartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation

The world of accounts payable continues to evolve, and the COVID pandemic is driving yet more change in the industry as organisations seek to virtualise their AP processes. Learn from experts at Gartner and Ardent Partners about benchmarks and best practices to consider.

Empowering our Customers’ Administrators with Configuration Self-Service

by Ryan Plutnicki

Empowering our Customers’ Administrators with Configuration Self-Service

Chrome River is further empowering our customers with the introduction of configuration self-service, allowing administrators to quickly and easily make changes within their expense management solution.

Three Questions to Ask About End-User Support

by Tim Wheatcroft

Three Questions to Ask About End-User Support

A common question in cloud software RFPs is how end-user support is handled. For some vendors, support is outsourced to a third-party vendor/call centre. Other vendors handle it with their in-house customer support team. A third option is for the customer’s internal team to offer direct support to their teams. Here are three things you should consider to find out which approach would work best for you.

How Can Expense Automation Benefit Your Organization?

by Tim Wheatcroft

How Can Expense Automation Benefit Your Organization?

New research shows that expense automation technology is firmly in the mainstream, and the majority of organisations that have made the switch have adopted dedicated cloud-based expense automation software. If your organisation hasn't yet made the leap, what are the main benefits that you are missing out on?

Will Your Expense Management Solution Evolve with Your Organisation?

by Tim Wheatcroft

Will Your Expense Management Solution Evolve with Your Organisation?

Change is a constant in the business world. New business units. International growth. Acquisitions. For an organisation's software solutions to keep up, it needs to be flexible and robust enough to adapt as a company evolves. When choosing an expense management solution, how can organisations ensure that it will be able to adapt to the changing tides?

Five Reasons Why Web Apps are Essential for Speedy Invoice Approvals

by Dan Humbert

Five Reasons Why Web Apps are Essential for Speedy Invoice Approvals

Rapid invoice approval is critical for effective cash flow and to maintain effective visibility into the accounts payable process. They kind of technology you use to access this data could play a major factor in your company's ability to deliver this insight.

Chrome River Leads Global Expense Players in Building Stronger Customer Relationships

by Tim Wheatcroft

Chrome River Leads Global Expense Players in Building Stronger Customer Relationships

Product capabilities and functionality are almost top of any company’s list of priorities when assessing software solutions. However, any organisation that’s looking to deploy a software solution across the enterprise needs to understand that the relationship with the solution provider can be just as critical for long-term success as the product itself.

IDC Rates Chrome River as an Expense Management Leader

by Tim Wheatcroft

IDC Rates Chrome River as an Expense Management Leader

We’re delighted to have been listed by respected technology analyst firm IDC as a “Leader” in its Travel and Expense MarketScape, validating our position in the global expense management industry.

Why Your ERP Expense Management Module is Like Eating at The Cheesecake Factory

by Tim Wheatcroft

Why Your ERP Expense Management Module is Like Eating at The Cheesecake Factory

One of the benefits that many ERP vendors claim is that they offer a broad range of modules in addition to the core functionality of the solution. However, how do these modules stand up to best-of-breed solutions?

Five Questions that CIOs Need to Ask about Expense Management

by Frank Davis

Five Questions that CIOs Need to Ask about Expense Management

As essential end-user features are in the selection of an expense management solution, any front-end benefits are meaningless if the solution doesn’t easily integrate into your tech stack, introduces security vulnerabilities for your network and your users’ data, or simply isn’t available when you need it to be.

A Canadian Data Centre to Protect Employee Expense Data

by Greg Allworth

A Canadian Data Centre to Protect Employee Expense Data

Your organisation’s employees are its most valuable asset. It’s therefore incumbent to keep these employees safe, such as a secure work environment and eliminating travel to high-risk areas. Physical security must be backed up, however, with data security, to ensure that both corporate and employees’ personal data is kept safe.

Why it’s Critical to Right-size your Technology Provider

by Tim Wheatcroft

Why it’s Critical to Right-size your Technology Provider

One of the most critical questions when choosing an enterprise technology provider is “will we be a good match?” This isn’t just in terms of the vendor’s solution, and how its solution integrates with your infrastructure, but also if the two organisations mesh well together. Your decision needs to address a wide variety of factors beyond “can it do what we need it to do?” and “does it offer good value?” You also need to consider factors ranging from cultural fit to where you are size-wise on your vendor’s customer roster.


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle